We are expecting some of the snow to melt this weekend. Warmer temperatures and rain help with melting, but fast melting causes flooding concerns. I don’t worry about these issues. When contemplating people who lost whatever meager possessions they had, when crying with those who lost love ones in natural disasters, melting snow seems a minor thing. Besides, the snow will be just a memory by June anyway!
We say that time heals. The news shows pictures of the recovery of the Aceh area, 4 years past their earthquake and tsunami. The people in Haiti are suffering now. The future for them may be brighter than ever because of worldwide outpouring of aid and compassion; but the need is now.
Many of us feel frustrated by the inability of technology to provide instant help. Even a well oiled machine like the military with its internal structure and strength needs to accommodate the available infrastructure. You can’t drive a tank over rubble in an earthquake zone.
Haiti was poor already. That does not mean that the people there are less deserving. But the fact remains, that those who are poor and those who are distant from the mainstream, are at a disadvantage. We may be created equal, but we don’t grow up equal.