‘T is the day after Christmas, or second Christmas Day in many parts of the world. We have a gentle light snow to beautify the view from our window. After enjoying a magnificent cantata last week Sunday, (Dec 18-19) we had a great Christmas evening service. My bride and our local children were participants, I “merely” enjoyed it in the audience. Yet, as one of our dear friends once explained: It really is GOD who is the audience; we, the congregation, are the “performers;” and the praise team, choir, or other “actors” up front, are in reality “prompters, - souffleurs in the language of the stage. Those who (softly) remind the performers of their lines. So, is it all right to applaud in church? The real question is, are we praising God, the audience, as we are prompted, or are we praising the perceived performer? It makes me think before I join in the applause for a great prompting job.
Thanksgiving, a traditional American holiday, was spend with our grandchildren and their parents. We had a blast of winter up in Minnesota, but we really enjoyed our time together. The traditional turkey meal with all the trimmings, was prepared and consumed in the Spirit of Thanks. We also made a quick trip to Missouri, to visit with our children there. We celebrated birthdays and great family time. Then we needed to be home for practices and preparation for all the events of December.
We avoided most of the x-mas-rush but continued to focus on the Advent and the commemoration of the birth of the Savior, while we continue to wait for His return. Of course the house needed to be decorated for the winter rituals and the planned family gatherings.