big horn sheep on our front lawn
We are here! One week has alreadygone by of our current month at Glen Eyrie, home of the Navigators.
We went from winter to summer.
Last week we had snow on Sunday and Monday, but now we had 70 degrees (F) on Saturday and 80 today!
We took a hike on Thursday also with beautiful weather. One of the places we hiked to was Dawson Trotman’s grave. He was the founder of the Navigators. The Navigators is a non-denominational Christian organization. Trotman wanted to share his knowledge of God with anyone who would listen. He worked regularly with military staff, starting in the Navy. He taught them to navigate through life, hence the name “Navigators.” The biblical basis for the teaching methods used is found in 2 Timothy, Chapter 2, verse 2. Trotman developed a memorization system using small card, simple booklets, and pamphlets. Such trained Navigators spread to college campuses after their military service, spreading the salvation message and learning system. The Navigators also provided counselor training and follow-up for the Billy Graham crusades. In 1953 the Navigators were able to purchase the property known as Glen Eyrie, here in Colorado Springs. The property contains National Headquarters and Nav-pres, the International Headquarters, the Glen Eyrie conference grounds, where we work, and Eagle Lake.
Eagle Lake is one of the reservoirs general Palmer built for water storage and is used as a summer camp for many youths. You can get much more information by going to the navigators web site. (
As I said e
arlier, we are the volunteers at the Pink House. We also manage the newly renovated “Eagles Nest” which contains 4 premium rooms, a great lounge, and a guest kitchen. I am being groomed to become a tour guide, which is a really fun job. It allows me to share the richness of this beautiful valley and the Creator, who allows us to enjoy it all.