As I eluded to in my previous blog, spring has finally arrived; albeit much later than we had hoped.
We have had three snowstorms and very cold temperatures in the past few weeks. But, the grass is getting a little bit greener, the bear is awake from hibernating, and I saw blooming crocus today!
We have been at Glen Eyrie for almost three weeks already, so I am again overdue for an update.
Initially I was going to write a bit more about our fall cruise to the middle east, but that can wait for a bit. I just want to share a littlet about the flood mitigation projects going on here in Glen Eyrie. Because of the Waldo canyon fire, the soil above Queen’s Canyon is hydrophobic. Any significant rain will cause flash-flooding in Camp creek. Much debris is expected to come down the canyon and the strong current could damage the castle foundations.
We have been at Glen Eyrie for almost three weeks already, so I am again overdue for an update.
Initially I was going to write a bit more about our fall cruise to the middle east, but that can wait for a bit. I just want to share a littlet about the flood mitigation projects going on here in Glen Eyrie. Because of the Waldo canyon fire, the soil above Queen’s Canyon is hydrophobic. Any significant rain will cause flash-flooding in Camp creek. Much debris is expected to come down the canyon and the strong current could damage the castle foundations.
The bear is awake and had to be chased off, he tried to climb the tree in our back yard to get to the turkeys, who nest in these trees overnight.
We continue to share the grounds with deer, turkeys,
coyotes, squirrels, and rabbits. Of course all species of birds and then there are the human visitors as well. Life is fun at The Glen, we are blessed to be able to serve here.