December 28, 2008

Celebration Traditions (3)

Here we are, Christmas day has passed. Corrie and I watched the entire extended version of “the Lord of the Rings” on Christmas day. It was just the two of us. Traditionally we celebrate the gift exchange family gathering, commonly called “doing Christmas,” during the year end celebration. This leaves our children free to visit with their respective in-laws for Christmas.

We did attend Christmas eve services and were blessed with the real reason for the season.
The birth of the Son of God as the Son of Man.
The first step to the resurrection from the dead.

To provide propitiation. To be God in the Flesh, God with skin on...
Look at Rick's blog to get another view of the reality of Christmas.
Look at “Operation Christmas Child” to experience life changing gift sharing.
“God gave His one and only (only begotten) Son to be God with skin on, to be like us in every way, except sin; so that He could be propitiation.

Who is the Christmas Child?
In chemistry, he turned water to wine.
In biology, he was born without the normal conception;
In physics, he disproved the law of gravity when he ascended into heaven;

In economics, he disproved the law of diminishing return
by feeding 5000 men with two fishes & 5 loaves of bread;

In medicine, he cured the sick and the blind without administering a single dose of drugs,
In history, he is the beginning and the end;
In government, he was be called wonderful counselor, prince of peace;
In religion, he said that no one comes to God, the Father, except th
rough him;
So, who is he?

He is Jesus,
Son of God,
Son of man.

Join me and let's celebrate Him; let’s celebrate CHRIST-MAS

1 comment:

Unknown said...

He is God with us. Your "traditions" series was an excellent idea. Our celebrations and traditions uniquely point us toward Christ. I'm often wondering what anyone who doesn't know Him are celebrating!?