April 22, 2014

SPRING is Coming (?)

It looks like spring may be coming after all.  It has been a long, cold winter, this winter of 2014.
We had a snow covered backyard on April 14, after a summery hot day on Friday, the 11th, when we opened our newly installed sunshade. 

We spend the Easter holy-days with our children and grand-children in Minnesota.  They are active in their community and church.  They participated in both the Good Friday service and on Easter morning using their musical talents to enhance the experience of all who attended there. 


Our new Altima needs a new back-up camera, the lane departure warning and the blind-spot detector pooped out.  Now we are perfectly able to drive without that, but these features should be working properly if they are installed.  I have heard before, that more gadgets can cause more problems and that luxury comes at a price.  Yet, we still “want” all this fancy stuff.  GPS routing and mapping is good for finding an unfamiliar location, but it does not do away with the need for a good road map.  Unless you are just driving express-way.
We are preparing to go to
Glen Eyrie again for the month of May.  We are aging scheduled to work at the Pink House and doing tours.
We will probably again take a scenic route and may take two days to get there.


Just to keep up the interest, I posted another Korcula composite picture as well.  We still have very good memories of that trip in October 2012.  

Looking at these pictures lets us relive many of the special moments we experienced in this region of the world.  As I mentioned before, Marco Polo souvenirs are ubiquitous here.  History is not quite clear about his stay here, whether voluntary or under house arrest... 

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